02 May, 2012

2 Years and Counting!

My baby turned two last Wednesday. Yes, that is how busy our life has been that I haven't gotten her birthday post done until now.

She's two. Two years ago I was sitting at home trying to nurse an angry little elf of a baby girl. Her appetite and temper have not subsided since, but they are part of what makes her Clara. I wouldn't change her for anything.

My two favorite features on my daughter are:
Her cheesy grin

Her elbow dimples. She just has the most beautiful full little figure I've ever seen.

My two favorite personality traits of my daughter are:
Her impishness - She is the spitting image of everything I've ever heard about her namesake, my great-grandmother Clara. She is bright, thoughtful, silly, and completely in control.

Her passion - I see so much of me in her highs and lows. I know that in her passion and insistence is a greatness that God will harness in amazing ways. I just pray that God gives me the tools I need to be her guide.

My two favorite phrases of my daughter are:
"I'm talking to my GRANDDAUGHTER!"

"Poke-A-mott", translated coconut

Two hopes I have for Clara this year:
I hope she learns to handle frustration and disappointment without shrieking.

I hope we can have our first mommy-daughter date.

1 comment:

Holly Rutchik said...

Happy birthday, Clara bear! I love that pic of her sleeping by your mom. Poor gal was tired, but didn't want to miss a moment of the ladies talking. She is indeed her mama's child - and this is why I love her.