Outside My Window ...
The parish courtyard and picnic table. My new office offers a much larger, quieter, and more picturesque view. I'm so grateful for all that God has done in our life recently, but am content with where things are now. It's a bit gray and breezy, but fall is in the air. I can smell it and it stirs my soul in a powerful way.
I am listening to...
Well, I'm not listening to it at the very moment, but I am reflecting on the fact that all of the songs played on our local country station this morning seemed just perfectly suited to my state in life today. From married life, to college memories, to my favorite "Good Morning Beautiful" song I just felt like God was blessing me in the words.
To Live the Liturgy…
I took a sabbath for myself recently. I have not been away by myself since John Ross was about 6 months old for anything other than work. I went a few hours north of home and spent the weekend resting my soul and getting right with God. On Sunday I took my coffee out into the wind and spent my morning cup with God. The gusty lake wind blew through my hair and the sun came up on my back. The sound of the waves just rushed over my battered soul and the smell of the water intoxicated me. I came home feeling clean, calm, and clear. It very much reminded me of how I feel after confession, but in a very tangible way.
To be Fit and Happy…
I had my annual appointment a few months ago and was told that even after 6 weeks of caffeine withdrawals I could continue to feel fatigued for another 6 weeks. I'm so glad I made the choice to wean myself off all but my morning cup of coffee, but it's been rough with the transitions that have been going on in my life and in my routine.
I am thankful for ...
My husband who has been so helpful and supportive as we've been making these transitions in our routine. Besides the HUGE basement finishing project, he hasn't complained about my working nights or my unusually quiet nature. He's been thoughtful and considerate. In fact, we have gotten up early the past two mornings for breakfast and coffee together.
From the kitchen ...
Swedish meatballs. Fall is here and with it comes some of our favorite recipes. The hearty produce that comes at the end of the season, plus the need to keep a little warm from the inside out lends itself perfectly to an aromatic kitchen and a freezer full of soup! I often make my own meatballs, but I have found that Alton Brown's sauce recipe is a most appropriate match for store bought meatballs on a work night. Pour them over a bed of egg noodles and cut up a few local apricots and dinner is served!
I am creating ...
I am not creating anything in particular. I am always knitting something and I am contemplating some really cute fleece robes for my sisters, but until recently I haven't had much time to consider what I am creating, I just create it. If anything, I am trying to create peace in my heart and in my household, which is quite a challenge in an of itself.
I am reading…
I've got a couple of interesting biographies and non-fiction pieces about cultures and upbringings. I am really trying to define for myself the definition and type of "culture" I wish to raise my children in and I am finding so much joy in the beauty of traditions. I really do believe that it is important to make a specific decision about the environment in which you wish to raise your children or today's society will just sweep you away.
Towards a real education ...
Hate this one every time...no good answer. No direction right now. The farthest I've gotten is Prairie Home Companion tonight...if anything, it is good for at least a bit of the comfort of my childhood.
Bringing beauty to my home ...
I'm working on a wall mural for my dining room. I really want to visually play off of the scripture about the wife being a fruitful vine in her home and the children being like olive plants on the table. I am working on a large olive tree that incorporates all of our family photos. I still have to put leaves on the highest branches and add the colorful little olives, but I am quite pleased.
I am hoping and praying…
That I can maintain my sense of calm even when the balance is off a bit. I know this fall is going to be full and busy and stressful, but I want to maintain Christ's peace. My sense of anxiety typically rises, I've found, from my belief that I am
supposed to feel anxious about something instead of actually feeling that way. I'm trying to shut out some of those imposed constructs and instead focus on discernment between God and I. Not having a whole lot of luck on this one, so I ask prayers.
Around the house ...
It is really starting to feel like our home. We've mounted our pot rack and replaced some lights. The fact that the laundry is all put away for the first time in a month and tomorrow's forecast is for rain means a warm, slow, dare I say perfect, Sunday before a really busy week. Good, but busy.
One of my favorite things...
I have been wearing my keys on the same green Cabella's cotton lanyard for almost 4 years. With kids and a forgetful mama brain, it is really the only way to carry and keep track of keys. The lanyard recently snapped and I tied it back together. While on my sabbath weekend I found the most lovely silver chain from Brighton that is designed as a ID tag holder, but is also perfect for my keys. It was definitely more than my last lanyard because the last one came wrapped around a t-shirt and hat promotion, but if it last as long or longer than the previous one, it will be well worth it!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
My sister and brother-in-law are making a mid-week trip to town. We are going to trick-or-treat with the kids in our new neighborhood for the first time, take a day off mid-week to visit Lambeau, do some vintage shopping, and just enjoy their visit. I am so blessed with my very close family and always look forward to whatever time we have together.
In Pictures...