25 September, 2006

I am Engaged! Now What?

So, my wonderful boyfriend proposed on Friday night just moments after asking my Dad's permission. He wanted to wait, but he just couldn't and so, sitting in the living room, on the new couch I had helped him pick out, with the kittens making mischief around us, he asked me to share his life with him.

When he handed me the ring box, I looked at him and asked him if he "was sure". He kind of looked at me puzzled...I started to open it and he got down on one knee in front of me, in our comfy clothes, and asked me if I would marry him. I only had one end of the box open and instead of finishing I threw my arms around him and said yes. It was 5 minutes before I opened the box.

Strange thing, I was engaged, but I didn't feel it. We called on the family and shared the news and sat and talked about it, but it didn't feel completely real. The first moment it felt real was actually on Saturday night when we were with his family. His sister kept referring to me as "aunt" and her daughter as my new "niece". That really struck me. Words like "wife" and "in-laws" really hit me. I can tell I am a wordsmith when it is the words that drive a concept home!

There were so many ways that Friday night could have gone and the proposal could have gone. That said, as we look at it a day or two later, neither he nor I can imagine it any other way. As always, God provided and it was more perfect than anything we could have planned ourselves.

I'm thrilled and I can't wait to be his wife! It is an amazing feeling to know that you are unquestionably with the man that God chose for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous ring....your man has good taste!